Thursday, June 22, 2006


A couple months after we had been working here, we noticed that one of our workers at the children's home was starting to show a pregnant belly! I started asking her about it, despite our complete language barrier, and without realization that here in Africa you don't talk about the unborn, because of how high the miscariage & infant mortality rates are. Jane took it well, though. She smiled and laughed every time I asked about her baby. By the time I moved in to the home, she was almost at 9 months, and it showed! The other women at the home and I started calling her "Mama Kitumbo", which means Mama Big Stomach! She thought that was hilarious, especially when I said it, because of the language barrier and all. In May, we let Jane stay home for her maternity leave, and we couldn't wait for her seventh child to be born! On June 1, while we were Nairobi, Jane gave birth to a little girl. When we arrived home, we were told the news, AND that she had named her baby Alita, in honor of me. This last Saturday we finally had a free afternoon, so Carrie & I drove out to Jane's village with her husband David, a local pastor. David is typically an outgoing, smiley, good-natured sort of guy, and he was very excited about our visit. He explained to us the story several times on our 10 minute drive how when the baby came, Jane exclaimed to him that her name had to be Alita, so that they could always remember me here in Africa, even after I go home to America. Shortly after we arrived, Baby Alita was brought out and handed to me. She is beautiful! She has very soft, curly hair, and perfect little facial features. We enjoyed ourselves that afternoon, as we met the local chief (a woman!), the traditional mid-wife who delivered Alita, the rest of David & Jane's 6 children, and other friends who came to help prepare a meal for us. We had cokes, chicken, potatoes, rice, & chapati. David, Jane, the midwife & the cheif gave mini-speeches, and Carrie and I also shared our gratitude for being with them. I presented gifts of a baby blanket & baby hat. It was like an African baby shower! It was so much fun, but a very humbling experience as well. I never would have guessed some one might name their child after me! It was truely a humbling, yet encouraging experience. [smile]

Love & Blessings,

Monday, June 12, 2006


“You are not called upon to commit yourself to a need, or to a task, or to a field. You are called upon to commit yourself to God! It is He then who takes care of the consequences and commits you where He wants you. He is the Lord of the harvest! He is the head of the body– and He is gloriously competent to assume His own responsibilities!
Man is not indispensable to God. God is indispensable to man!”
[Ian Thomas, 1961]

I found this quote a while ago in a prayer calendar that sits on mine & Carrie’s desk. It’s now on my computer desktop. I love it. It’s such a great reminder to me everyday that God is the one in control here. That the only thing I really need to focus on is Him and committing my life to Him. I get too wrapped up in the details sometimes to remember this very simple, basic part of our Christian faith. What about you? [smile]

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Feelin' better...

Thank you for your awesome prayers! I am feeling much better!!! [BIG smile] Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?! After being wiped out for so long, I had almost forgotten what strong felt like! But God is Good, every day, all the time!

I also wanted to let you know that I am preparing for and getting excited about my visit home this summer! I will be in Oregon August 1st-12th, and then in Seattle August 12-20th. I will be at Powell Butte Church on August 6th and Northwest Church on August 13th. Family & friends in Salem, OR please keep your calendar open the first week in August. I plan on coming down to see everyone around the 3rd & 4th. Family & friends in Central Oregon, I plan on having an open house at my parents' sometime between the 7th & 11th. I will let you know the exact date as soon as it is nailed down. And friends in Seattle, I will be available the week of the 13-19th, aside from my bride'smaid's duties to Jenn. I would love to see as many of you as possible!!

Much love & Blessings,