Yesterday Greg & I went out to a village with Timothy Wamalya, one of our church evangelists for church. They were having a cluster meeting, which means that several church from around the area were all coming together to worship as one big group. The service got started around 11 am, and concluded around 3 pm. We had sheep, rice, potatoes and beans for lunch, followed by Kenyan chai. While we were eating lunch, a large storm started outside, dumping massive amounts of rain. It hadn't rained for a couple weeks, and people were starting to get concerned about their maize crops going bad. The rain usually stops after 10 or 15 minutes, but yesterday it just kept coming and coming. Timothy told me that when it rains when visitors have come, it means that the visitors are a blessing. Before we knew it, all the mamas in the church were up dancing and singing along to the keyboard that had brought in special for church that day. One of them grabbed me and I was in the middle of it all within seconds. It was so much fun! We all had cups of chai sloshing about as we stepped back and forth to the music. The joy was so evident on all of their faces. Thank you, God for the rain. Thank you, God for joy in the midst of struggling!
I miss the spontaneous dancing. I miss the way people aren't concerned of what other people will think of them. I miss joy that comes from the simple things. I miss that freedom of self.
I wanted to say hello and let you know how much your blog has blessed me. I am a Christian who lives in SW Pennsylvania and happened upon your blog. I have been visiting for a few months and wanted to say how blessed I am to read about your experiences on the mission field. I pray for you and your team on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing about your time in Africa and keep up the good work!
God Bless,
Rean Day
What a giddy kind of a joy! I'm glad you had this wonderful day to lift your spirit! :) A cherished memory for always time...recall it as needed for balm to your soul!
Your loving PA
Thanks for reading my blog! It's encouraging to know that someone who I don't know can be encouraged by what I write... :) I visited your blog as well and enjoyed reading. Hope we can keep in touch.
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